Legacy of Hope Foundation Acknowledges the Sixties Scoop Healing Foundation for their Generous Grant

(Ottawa, ON) – June 14, 2023 – The Legacy of Hope Foundation (LHF) wishes to acknowledge the Sixties Scoop Healing Foundation (SSFH) for their amazing support. This funding supports; one of our latest exhibition projects, “Introduction to the Sixties Scoop: How We Got Here,” aimed at educating Canadians about the historical impact and ongoing effects of the Sixties Scoop and the Child Welfare System.

The Exhibition will serve as an essential educational resource, offering a comprehensive introduction to the events, and consequences of the Sixties Scoop. It features a detailed timeline of events and policies, emphasizing the direct linkages between the Residential and Day School System, the Sixties Scoop, and the overrepresentation of Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit, Métis) children in the Child Welfare System today. By highlighting these connections, the Exhibition aims to foster a deeper understanding of the root causes behind the existing inequalities experienced by Indigenous communities.

“We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Sixties Scoop Healing Foundation for their generous grant, which will enable us to embark on this crucial educational initiative,” said Teresa Edwards, Executive Director and In-House Legal Counsel at the LHF “Through this project, we seek to shed light on a significant yet often overlooked chapter of Indigenous history, creating awareness and promoting healing and Reconciliation.”

The grant provided by the Sixties Scoop Healing Foundation will help facilitate extensive research, development, design, and production efforts for the Exhibition. The LHF, which currently has one Exhibition on the Sixties Scoop, recognizes the pressing need for additional resources to educate Canadians about this period of history and its impacts.

The Legacy of Hope Foundation is immensely grateful to the Sixties Scoop Healing Foundation for their support, recognizing the vital role this grant plays in raising awareness, promoting healing, and fostering understanding of the Sixties Scoop. With this partnership, the LHF is poised to make a lasting impact on the educational landscape and contribute to the process of Reconciliation.

For more information about the Sixties Scoop Healing Foundation please visit their website: https://www.sixtiesscoophealingfoundation.ca/

The LHF is a national, Indigenous-led, charitable organization that has been working to promote healing and Reconciliation in Canada for over 23 years. The LHF’s goal is to educate Canadians about the history and impacts on 7 generations of Indigenous children, their families, and communities from attending Residential and Day Schools and the subsequent Sixties Scoop. By fostering empathy and understanding, the LHF encourages people to address discrimination and injustice and contributes to the equity, dignity, and respectful treatment of all.

The LHF has more than 28 educational exhibitions that promote awareness of Indigenous history that are free to borrow, and the LHF is working on making exhibitions available online. The LHF also has curricula for grades K-12 along with Activity Guides for all ages, Workshops and Training, and Podcasts all aimed at educating Canadians about Indigenous history and the shared history of Residential and Day Schools, the Sixties Scoop, and more.

For media inquiries:
Teresa Edwards, B.A. JD.
Executive Director and In-House Legal Counsel
Legacy of Hope Foundation
Phone: 613-237-4806 Ext. 303 info@legacyofhope.ca