The Legacy of Hope Foundation Presents – Roots & Hoots Episode 54: Featuring Michael Lawrenchuk

(Ottawa, ON) – June 12, 2024 – On this week’s episode of Roots and Hoots, host Gordon Spence is joined by his friend, Cree actor and former Chief of Fox Lake Cree Nation, Michael Lawrenchuk. Their conversation spans decades and Michael and Gordon take us on a journey to their homeland of Northern Manitoba, and the eternal nature of storytelling.

Michael grew up around Gillam, Manitoba, on the trapline with his grandparents. He recalls those early days fondly, speaking Cree and being in harmony with life as it existed back then. With reflection comes an awareness of all that has changed, and he and Gordon discuss the impact that hydro dams and the diversion of waterways has had on communities, and how this motivates political interest in land. Gordon and Michael discuss the history of the region.

In this interview, Michael gets candid with Gordon as they discuss his journey into theatre and how it saved him, by leading him down a path of self-awareness, self-expression, joy and healing. Michael touches on the cultural component for all societies to share stories, and how it is intrinsically a part of our nature, of who we are as people. What comes up often in this conversation, is the importance of connecting with the past and knowing what past generations have lived through and experienced, because only then can you truly embrace the dark and light of our histories.

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Michael has led an interesting life. From studying theatre in England, to his love of Shakespeare, and the road to becoming Chief of his community of Fox Lake Cree Nation. Michael speaks honestly about the role of Chiefs and leaders, and how important self-reflection is for leaders to practice, in order for true healing to take place. Michael shares his immense faith in the youth of today. He sees the openness that exists within them, in terms of embracing people for who they are, and how vital this value is for the continued progress of Truth and Reconciliation in Canada.

The LHF is a national, Indigenous-led, charitable organization that has been working to promote healing and Reconciliation in Canada for over 24 years. The LHF’s goal is to educate Canadians about the history and existing intergenerational impacts of the Residential and Day School Systems and subsequent Child Welfare System on Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit, and Métis) Survivors, their descendants, and their communities to address discrimination against Indigenous Peoples, and to promote hope and healing in Canada. The LHF works to encourage Canadians to address discrimination and injustice in order to contribute to the equity, dignity, and respectful treatment of Indigenous Peoples.

The LHF has 30 educational exhibitions that promote awareness of Indigenous history that are free to borrow and is working on making exhibitions available online. LHF also has curriculum for K-12 and for adults, along with Activity Guides, Workshops and Training, two Podcast series, all aimed at educating Canadians about Indigenous history and the shared history of Residential and Day Schools, the Child Welfare System, and other colonial acts of oppression. The LHF works to develop empathy and understanding so as to eliminate ongoing racism against Indigenous Peoples and to foster Reconciliation in Canada.

For media inquiries:
Teresa Edwards, B.A. JD.
Executive Director and In-House Legal Counsel
Legacy of Hope Foundation
Phone: 613-237-4806 Ext. 303